
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

First Allergist Appointment

Well, Here We Go!

Today we had our first allergist appointment.. It was enlightening, and terrifying. My son has a severe peanut allergy, as well as a soy bean allergy. The doctor decided that since they only did a small panel of allergy tests, that we should test for a few more things.. Mostly testing for all of the rest of the nuts - or as they call them, "tree nuts" just to make sure where those level are, if there are any. According to Stanford School of Medicine, there is "a 35% chance of developing an allergy to another nut" which isn't awesome, in the slightest.. Up to this point, I've been keeping him away from all nuts.. Because they scare me with my son. However, based on the fact that my son outgrew his milk allergy and egg allergy, I assumed that he had outgrown his soy allergy, as well. Unfortunately, I've been giving him some things with soy in it - soy sauce, and ranch dressing, mostly. However, he reacts with soy quite a bit, mostly topically. However, according to the allergist, it isn't good for me to give him soy, because given sporadically, I can exacerbate the allergy and make it worse. 0.0

Awesome. -___-

So at this point, on top of his already pretty strict diet of nothing with artificial colors, preservatives, or flavors, nothing with too much sugar, and no peanuts, I now have to avoid soy as well. I don't know if you've noticed, but in processed and packaged foods, a lot of stuff has either some type of nut or soy in it.

I will have a lot of food changes happening... First one being not keeping peanuts or peanut butter in the house anymore.. It's my favorite. I love it.. But it's too easy to miss a spot or have trace amounts left on my hands.. But anything to keep my son safe.

Much Love,


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